Thursday, 1 October 2015

Alice in Wonderland Art

My 8 year old recently produced a lovely piece of work that she entered into a local art competition. The theme was Alice in Wonderland, celebrating the 150 years of the book. Both my daughter's entered but unfortunately didn't win but nevertheless they enjoyed the challenge.

Photos of her doing her design on the canvas.

Photograph below of her big sister's Alice in Wonderland Art Piece. My 13 year old daughter has already written a blog piece about this on her blog. alice-in-wonderland-crafts

Photograph below of my 8 year old daughter in the gallery where her artwork was displayed.


  1. She might not have won the competition, but she's a winner in my book mA! I love how neat her work is - you must be so proud:-)

  2. How beautiful! Always good to challenge kids to be creative!

  3. Beautiful work! Your daughter is very creative

  4. Lovely... Catch them young.

    Its always better to have the opportunity to express and enhance one's creativity more than merely being the best or feeling perfect with results.

  5. MA your children are so creative - just like their mum!

  6. Your daughter's drawing is sooo cute. MashaAllah 😘

  7. Allaahu mubaarak alaihaa, her art work is beautifull. She has won over our hearts 👌 with her creativity

  8. Your daughter is very creative. Her work shows what big thing is going on in that cute mind of hers.

  9. Masha Allah! So creative! I always loved drawing and crafting as a child, and it is such a beautiful reminder to see your daughter and how she loves it so much. What a fun contest, and learning that having fun is more important then winning is such a valuable lesson :)

  10. She is so talented MA. Its not just about winning but harnessing that creativity and shes on the right path to win some other awards. well done :)

  11. Masha'Allah your girls are so talented! Love that canvas

  12. I have a passion for art and I absolutely love the pieces that your daughters have done! They are truly talented at such a young age ma sha Allah. May Allah protect them and reward you for your tarbiyyah. It is nice to see parents balancing their deen and duniya when raising children :)

  13. Mashaa Allah!!! Talented and pretty.


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