Monday, 28 May 2012

Burp Cloth Tutorial for Boys or Girls

burp cloth tutorial boys and girls muslim blog

I made another Burp Cloth - last time I made one for a girl (Here is the link) using Fairy fabric. This time I had some fabric (Upcycled Curtain) with numbers and pictures on which could be used for either boy or girl!

These are really so easy to make -  I chose my own design this time because of the style of the fabric - however if you want a pattern I would suggest - they also have their own tutorial with great graphics - this is the pattern I used on my previous Burp Cloth.

burp cloth boys girls muslim blog

Step 1: Download and print pattern if required.
Step 2:  Cut out the fabric pieces (I had to cut out two pieces for each sides - but that was only because of the pattern - you could just have one piece for each side!
Step 3: Attach the 2 pieces of each side together to make one piece of fabric for each side.
Step 4: Pin the fabric pieces together - fabric facing touching each other. Then stitch all the way around - leaving a small gap - to turn inside out!.
Step  5: Turn the fabric the right way around and press with an iron. Then top stitch all the way around. You now have a lovely gift for a new mum.
burp cloth boys girls muslim blog

I also made matching items to go with this present - I will try to post about these at a later date.
You may find me at the following parties:
  Pink Hippo PartyMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysKeeping It SimpleA Marvelous MessThe Girl CreativeMixitupmop it up mondaysThings that make you say: apinchofjoy.comOur Delightful Home

Monday, 21 May 2012

Great Ideas - Backpack parts reused

great ideas backpack reused

The photograph above shows a backpack that had belonged to my son.  The stitching had come away which I had repaired a couple of times but now it really was unusable as a backpack. It wasn't in good enough condition to donate to a charity shop but there were parts on it that could be reused.

Parts saved:
  • Zipped pocket
  • Meshing Net
  • Plastic fastenings on straps
  • Padded shoulder straps
  • Khaki Fabric
  • Green Zip

The items that I salvaged could be used for many different projects, the zipped pocket will probably be sewed inside another bag that i own or one that i may make in the future perhaps!  Plastic fastenings could be used for numerous things.  I haven't yet used any of these but hopefully when I do I will let you know about it.
Before throwing away items that are of no use or are damaged think if you can reuse them or part of them!  If I have any damaged clothing I always remove the buttons, zips and fabric scraps for future projects.

Please share with me what things that you manage to salvage, I love learning new ideas!

You may find me at the following parties:
  Pink Hippo PartyMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysKeeping It SimpleA Marvelous MessThe Girl CreativeMixitupmop it up mondaysThings that make you say: apinchofjoy.comOur Delightful Home