Friday, 26 July 2013

Mosque Gift Bag Template - 30 Days of Ramadan Crafts

mosque gift bag template ramadan crafts islam muslim
 Day 25 - Mosque Gift Bag Template
I have personally designed a Gift Bag which is in the shape of a mosque. I have made available 2 designs, one which is just the shape of a mosque and the other one has the words 'Eid Mubarak' written on one side so this could be used specifically to use as a gift for Eid. I designed these with an extra 2 flaps at the top, so that you can secure a little of what you put inside the box as a gift!
Printout of the template onto card
Pens/Crayons, Paint
Hole Puncher
Ribbon to secure the box closed.
mosque gift bag template ramadan crafts islam muslim
Print of the template onto card stock from the links above.
Colour in the template with the colours of your choice.
Fold the card along the lines that are highlighted on the template.
Secure the edges together with either glue or double sided tape.
Allow to dry if using glue.
Using a Hole Puncher or something similar make 2 holes at the top where the holes are shown on the design.
Fill your box with some little goodies/gift.
Insert some ribbon into the holes and make sure the box is closed securely.
mosque gift bag template ramadan crafts islam muslim
The link to the Free Download for the above Gift Bag is: mosqueboxtemplate1.pdf

mosque gift bag template ramadan crafts islam muslim
The link to the Free Download for the above Gift Bag is: mosqueboxtemplate2A.pdf
 Helpful Hints: You could leave the gap (ie not cut it) alongside the bottom of the gift bag and fold them up to make the bottom a bit more secure. You could print this out onto coloured card to give it more detail.
Don't Forget that if you have made any of the Ramadan Crafts that I have blogged about, then please send in a photograph and I will publish this on my blog and my Facebook Page! You can send this via email ( or post on my Facebook Page Karimas-Crafts directly.


  1. I am so glad to have found your blog. You are truly an inspiration mA. I have been looking for Islamic craft activities and love it.
    Thanks for sharing these are great!! My kids are excited to color and decorate it. Jazak Allah Khair. S

  2. I love this! Insha Allah we'll be having an Eid party for the prekindy classes so just before the party the children will be decorating their bags and fill it with goodies then they can take it home! Insha Allah.

  3. This project was a big task - and took up a lot of my time! Sorry I never got to respond to everybody's comments - I really do appreciate them all! I hope everybody is having a great Ramadan.

  4. Mash Allah, I love all the stuff you have created and offer, your defiantly are so creative! May Allah reward you! Salaam :)

  5. Thank you very much,its a great idea. My students will love this craft! Happy Puasa!


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