Monday, 21 September 2015

Eid Cookies - Sheep

We had a great time making the Eid cookies last week so decided to make some more but this time try a different design. We decided on making Sheep Cookies which is linked with Eid.

I used the same cookie recipe and icing as I did with the other cookies I posted about yesterday.


Step 1: Using a sheep cookie cutter I cut out the shapes from the cookie dough (see separate recipe)
Step 2: Bake and allow to cool down.
Step 3: Cover the sheep with one thin layer of white icing and allow to dry (about an hour)
Step 4: Using thick white incing decorate the sheep with swirls to look like wool.
Step 5: Add eyes and optional add a colour for the legs. I used cake decoration balls for the eyes and gold edible icing.

We had some spare cookie dough and icing leftover so we decided to make a couple of Muslima/Hijabi cookies too! Using a gingerbread cookie cutter I cut out the dough and then pressed the legs together to make it look like a skirt. Then decorated with the icing. I used a food pen to draw the face.

The link below shows the sugar cookie recipe I used.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Henna Style Decorated Cookies for Eid

It will be Eid in a few days and my girls have been busy decorating some cookies that they can gift to friends.  We followed a sugar cookies recipe, apparently these are best for decorating on.

Then I also made my own icing following instructions I found online which is meant to be good for decorating with. I chose a recipe using egg whites.

I will post the link to the cookie recipe at the bottom of the post.


Step 1: We baked the cookies and allowed them to cool down before decorating.

Step 2: Prepare the icing and divide into separate bowls and add food colouring.

Step 3: Apply a bottom layer of icing onto the cookies and allow to harden, took over an hour for ours.

Step 4: Then apply a design with a contrasting colour onto the cookies.

Allow to dry and then they are ready to eat or gift.

The photo below shows the cookies that my 13 year old daughter designed.

The photo below shows the cookies that my 8 year old daughter designed.

The link for the cookie recipe I followed is:

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Teal Cushion Covers

My daughter has been busy decorating and furnishing her craft studio and went for a teal theme. She had one feature wall painted teal and painted some of the furniture with similar colours. She had been looking for some teal cushion covers to put on the sofa in the room, but we could not find any cheap ones. We did however find a bargain shower curtain which she loved. I managed to make 3 cushion covers for her from the piece of curtain fabric we bought.

We already had some cushion covers with cushion that we didn't need. So I removed the zips from the cushion covers to reuse and used the covers as a template to cut out the fabric for her new cushions. So total cost was just the price of the shower curtain which was about £2.00 if I remember rightly.

You will notice that the colour of the cushions look different in each photograph, that has just been the effects of the camera and lighting.  Below is a photo of her nearly finished craft studio.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Bookcase Makeover

If you are following my posts then you will know that my young 13 year old daughter now has her own craft studio for her to do her crafts. We have both been very busy the last few weeks getting the room sorted. This is a bookcase that I gave a crafty makeover.

For this makeover I simply sanded down the wood with sandpaper. Then gave a few coats of furniture paint. I used B&Q Made By Me make for this project. It looks lovely with the other painted pieces of furniture in the room. The room is nearly finished now, just a few finishing touches.