Monday, 26 May 2014

Easy Butterfly Craft

easy butterfly craft

My 7 year old daughter has recently started 'Brownies' which is the younger group of 'Girl Guides' in the UK. She recently came home with a lovely butterfly craft which she made so I thought I would post it on my blog for a craft project!

It is very simple to make and an easy craft for youngsters. All that is required are 3 things: 1 rectangle piece of cloth for the wings, 1 piece of card folded a few times to make a design in the centre. I pipe cleaner to wrap around the centre to make the butterfly body and antennae. That is it, as I said very easy!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Book Review - From my sisters' lips

I recently bought a copy of this book as I had wanted to read it for a long time! I actually made sure that I set aside some personal time to read this book, which was quite an achievement for me as I don't normally read much or have the time too! I normally post book reviews on the books my children read, so this is the first adult book review I have posted!

My Book Review:

When I first started reading this book I was a little surprised by it's layout, not in a bad way I might add! I was personally expecting a biography of the Author, but the book is actually a mixture of her own biography and also stories of some her friends journeys to Islam. It covers some of the important facts regarding women in Islam and the author is quite honest in her own personal views about Islam before and after she reverted to Islam.

Being a revert to Islam myself I totally understand many of the topics she covered in the book, and it was kind of re-assuring in a way to know that I wasn't alone in some of the things I went through on my own path to Islam. She covers many topics in the book including her own reversion, marriage, motherhood and religion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and it was nice to get to know the Author as she is the author of some of the great books I have bought for my young children. If you haven't read this book, I would definitely recommend you having a read!

Author: Na'ima B. Robert
Title: From my sisters' lips
ISBN: 0-593-05441-5