Sunday, 20 September 2015

Henna Style Decorated Cookies for Eid

It will be Eid in a few days and my girls have been busy decorating some cookies that they can gift to friends.  We followed a sugar cookies recipe, apparently these are best for decorating on.

Then I also made my own icing following instructions I found online which is meant to be good for decorating with. I chose a recipe using egg whites.

I will post the link to the cookie recipe at the bottom of the post.


Step 1: We baked the cookies and allowed them to cool down before decorating.

Step 2: Prepare the icing and divide into separate bowls and add food colouring.

Step 3: Apply a bottom layer of icing onto the cookies and allow to harden, took over an hour for ours.

Step 4: Then apply a design with a contrasting colour onto the cookies.

Allow to dry and then they are ready to eat or gift.

The photo below shows the cookies that my 13 year old daughter designed.

The photo below shows the cookies that my 8 year old daughter designed.

The link for the cookie recipe I followed is:


  1. Wow, these are beautiful. The henna-style decorations are a great idea.

  2. This is such a great idea! Did you use piping bags for the decorations?

  3. What a great idea! My kids would love to do this. Can you please share the icing recipe?

  4. Wow this is such a creative and fun way to decorate especially with kids

  5. The henna patterns is such a pretty idea - who would have thought :) So perfect for a eid or any fun event. Definitely want to give it a try

  6. I hope you don't mind me sharing this post on my blog! I love this idea 💖

  7. I love the design. I'll definitely try this idea out for next time I'm going to bake some cookies.


  8. Loving this idea. Will have to make cookies with the girls

  9. Looks lovely, the ones by 13 year old look like they have henna art over them, the one you do on hands with a cone.

  10. These are gorgeous! And such a creative idea for Eid and special events. :)

  11. These are sooooo beautiful! You and your daughter are very creative

  12. Beautiful cookies! Thanks for the tips :)


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