Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Blog Review: Muslim Mummy

Today I am doing a review for the lovely Foz, who has the wonderful blog: Muslim Mummy

Muslim Mummy – Random Ramblings of a Muslim Mum is a great blog that I have actually followed for a long time now. It is one of the first Muslim blogs that I started following when I first started blogging!

Foz describes herself  in her ‘About Me’ section, as a British Muslim born in the UK to Pakistani Muslim parents. She mentions that she created her blog to link with other Muslim mums and generally discusses issues to do with parenting, Islam and also working!

A lot of her posts are about Motherhood; she has a 6 year old daughter and has just had another little girl at the end of last year. So I am guessing we might see some posts relating to baby issues coming up soon!

She often writes reviews too and occasionally has some giveaways (I have tried applying but have never managed to be chosen – maybe I might be more lucky now that I am doing a review for her  – just kidding!) She is also an elite blogger over at babyhuddle – here is her recent post she wrote for them:  dealing-with-gestational-diabetes-in-pregnancy
I love checking out her ‘Friday Wisdom’ Posts which she does weekly. At the moment she is also partaking in the ‘Project 365’  which means she is trying to take photos of something every day – I don’t think I would have the patience for that!

Below is the collage of photos she took on her first week of Project 365:

Please pop by and visit this wonderful blog or you can also keep up to date with Muslim Mummy via:


Hope you enjoyed today's review.


  1. Replies
    1. Totally agree! I love that she blogs about a variety of things.

  2. Very nice review dear - Foz blog is definitely one I enjoy reading.
    I hope you are keeping well. Take care and thanks for everything. xx

    1. Hi Marie so nice to hear from you - hope you are well too! Yes this is one of the main blogs I follow - so glad you like it too!

    2. Thank you Marie and Karima. You have both been loyal followers and I appreciate it x

  3. cool
    she have 365 days project of taking photograph?
    it needs high discipline :D

    1. Thanks for your comments - yeah I totally don't have the discipline for that!

    2. Definitely needs discipline. I've almost given up after just 3 weeks!

  4. Asalamu alaikum thanks for sharing. Muslim mummy is a good blog I would have to agree. Feel free to review my blog anyone!

    I know some people have difficulty sleeping due to Fear & Insomnia. So believe it or not ive written bloglet on Curing Fear & Insomnia

    Take Care

    1. waalaikum salam, so many are already followers of Muslim Mummy - its so good to hear! I am doing some blog reviews weekly - I will get in contact with you inshallah.

    2. Wa alaikum asalaam and thank you

  5. MashaAllah i couldn't agree more, i thoroughly enjoy reading her blog

    1. She has so many followers, I am sure she will be happy with all these lovely comments

  6. Very nice blog review, masha'Allah. I've also enjoyed perusing your blog. My daughter and I enjoy crafting and always have some project or other in progress. Barakallahu fiki!

    1. Assalamualiakum, so nice to have a new follower, I am so happy you like it - many crafting ideas for children here - some my daughters have done themselves!

  7. The Muslim mummy blog is fantastic, I love reading foz's blog updates.
    Sister karima, I've just started following yours via fb too and alhamdulillah yours is great too (as an home educator I need craft ideas constantly)

    1. Assalamualaikum, so glad to have a new follower - thank you so much, hope you like what you see :)


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