Wednesday 6 February 2013

Book Review - The Prophets of Allah (Jesus) pbuh

Another week another review - hope these are of interest to you! I know when I have looked for reviews on Islamic books it has been nearly impossible to find any! So I hope these reviews can be of some benefit. Again I am giving a review from my point of view and also my daughter's view. If you want to look at the other book reviews I have already done then please click on the bar at the top of my page (Book Reviews).

My Review:

This book is specifically aimed at children aged between 8-12. My 10 year old daughter read this book but I also read it to my 5 year old who enjoyed listening to it, so I would suggest that this could be used for the under 8's too. The book has plenty of illustrations to keep the young reader engaged. The book doesn't use any illustrations of living people, but still manages to keep you following the story.

As the title suggests, this book is about the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). This book actually starts by the birth of Mary and also a little after the ascension of Jesus (pbuh) so covers quite a variety in such a short story.

At the end of the book there is a page with questions for the reader to answer, which is great for the 8+ to engage in so they can see if they have remembered what they had read about. I actually read the questions to my 5 year old and she did manage to answer a couple too!

Review by 10 year old daughter:

This book is about the life of Jesus (peace be upon him). I really liked this book because it was very interesting to learn how Allah saves those who believe. I also found it interesting because it shows how much Jesus (pbuh) suffered, but Allah saved him form the cross. I enjoyed this book.

Jesus – The Prophets of Allah
Age 8-12
Simplified by Salama Muhammad Salama
Printed by Safeer
ISBN: 977-361-094-2


  1. Very nice review by your daughter, what a great idea.

    1. Thank you - I think it is good to see it from a child's point of view and it is also good homeschooling work for her haha!

  2. Asalamu alaikum, JazakAllahkhair for sharing this review by your daughter. Did you review my blog I remember you mentioning a while ago..

    If anyones interested I have just completed a post which took me about an hour on Horses In Islam

    Take Care


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