Monday, 12 November 2012

Felt Gingerbread Man Tutorial

Felt Gingerbread Man Tutorial
This project was made by my 10 year old daughter and is a quick and easy craft for children to take part in. They can experiment with many different materials to make up the buttons and eyes, but we just stuck to using different colored felt. The orange felt came from an old jumper that I felted so another upcycling project completed.
  • Cut out shape of a gingerbread man (either download or draw around a cookie cutter)
  • Orange or brown color felt
  • Varied colour felt for button shapes and face detail (or you could use real buttons)
  • Stuffing / wadding
  • Rick Rack (zigzag ribbon)
  • Fabric Glue (optional)
  • Needle and Thread. 
Felt Gingerbread Man Tutorial
Step 1: Using the cut out shape of a gingerbread man draw and cut out 2 pieces from the orange/brown felt.
Step 2: Cut out some shapes for the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons.
Step 3: Attach the pieces to one of the gingerbread man pieces. (Use either fabric glue or sew a couple of stitches to secure each piece).
Step 4: Sew together the other gingerbread man to the first piece - leave small gap so to insert some stuffing and then close the gap with stitches. (blanket stitch was used for this)
Step 5: Sew on the rick rack around the wrists and ankles of the gingerbread man.
You now have your very own gingerbread man. These can be used as children's toys or as decoration for the house.
My post this week is linked to:
  Pink Hippo


  1. this is cute! And it looks like a easy craft to do with small children (well, ones that won't eat the beads) I love it!

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. This one was all felt no beads so would be ideal for smaller kids to help with. My youngest actually made one with felt and stuck it onto paper - so no sewing!

  2. Asalamu alaikum interesting, wheres his white turban ?


    Take Care

    1. Haha! I must say I have never saw a gingerbread man with a turban! Have seen gingerbread men with santa hats but thats about it. Thanks for visiting.

  3. This is sooo stinking adorable.. bet your daughter had a great time making these!
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

    1. Yes, my daughter really enjoyed making this.

  4. Replies
    1. So happy to see you here on my blog - glad you like it!


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