Friday, 20 July 2012

Ramadan Mubarak

ramadan mubarak bunting banner muslim blog
Ramadan Mubarak - It is now the start of Ramadan for my family here in the UK. I wish everyone a Happy Ramadan.

The photo above is a banner (bunting style) that my 10 year old daughter made at the weekend to decorate the house with during Ramadan.

If anyone wants to know how she made this here are the instructions:
  • 7 sheets of A4 purple (cut out 14 triangles from this)
  • Printed the letters in gold colour on the printer (cut out the letters)
  • Glue stick the letters onto the triangles
  • Hole punch 2 holes into the top corners of each triangle
  • Thread string through the holes and hang on the wall

Very simple and a great craft for the children to do.

Parties linked to this week are:
  Pink Hippo PartyMixitupapinchofjoy.comPhotobucket


  1. Ramadaan Mubarak Karima!

    Very pretty :) ... I always make an 'Eid' one, not a 'Ramadaan' one.. I really should though! :/

    1. Thank you - This is the first year I have made one - mainly because the children really wanted to do some Ramadan crafts this year.

  2. Ramadan mubarak KAREEMA!!!!!!!!
    I am now following your blog.
    Please visit my blog to join---jazaakAllah

    1. Thanks - Hope you have a great Ramadan inshallah

  3. May you and your family have a blessed Ramadan Karima. Your daughter did a lovely decoration, I note all these brilliant ideas, a day will come I will be happy to have them on file!
    Stay well. xx

    1. Thank you Marie - I hope you and your husband have some good times during Ramadan inshallah. Take Care.

  4. Assalamuallikum sis,

    I am so glad to find this blog, i am a new on blogger and have started following you. Your creativity is amazing especially the diaper box.Masha Allah!

    1. So glad you like my blog - Happy Ramadan to you and your family.

  5. Asalamu alaikum remember me in your prayers this Ramadhan and enjoy. The Importance Of Intention In Performing The Fast is my latest bloglet, come share some words..

    1. Thank you for your comment, your post was an interesting read. I hope you keep up your good work inshallah :)

  6. Awww..what a sweet project for your daughter to create! Like mother like daughter.. super crafty ladies!
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.. have a wonderful holiday!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, yes my daughters love crafts too!


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