Monday, 7 May 2012

Large Cupcake Party Cake Mini Tutorial

cupcake birthday cake tutorial

Below I have shown a little mini tutorial on how I made this Large Cupcake Cake. I borrowed a mould from my friend because I didn't see the point in buying one just for this one cake.  I cheated in that I bought most of the things ready made but I have never said I am a cook. This was the first Party Cake that I have ever made, it may not be perfect but I was pleased with my results considering I have never done this before!


  • Cupcake Mould
  • 4 Boxes of Cake Mixture (I think I needed eggs for this!)
  • Apricot Jam
  • Ready Made Icing Block
  • Ready Made Frosting
  • Marzipan
  • Chocolate Sweets for decoration
  • Sprinkles for decoration
  • Food coloring

cupcake birthday cake tutorial

 My Mini Tutorial:
  • I greased the two large cupcake moulds.
  • I used 2 cupcake packet mixes inside each mould. 
  • I cooked in the oven - I reduced the heat a little and cooked for longer as the instructions on the box were for small cupcakes!
  • Once cooked take out and allow to cool down.
  • I had to trim a bit of the cake to make them even and flat to balance on top of each other properly.
  • I placed white icing over the bottom of the cake. I then added pink icing strips to the bottom of the cake. ( I copied instructions from youtube videos on how to icing!)
  • I placed pink icing onto the top of the cake (I should have left it white as I ended up decorating over the top later!)
  • Then using apricot jam in the middle I secured the top of the cake to the bottom of the cake.
  • Then I added the frosting onto the top of the cake. I tried to make swirls with the frosting bag but it turned out terrible - So I used a fork and swirled the whole cake with that!
  • I then added sprinkles to the top of the cake.
  • I also added the remaining frosting to the plate that the cake was standing on.
  • I then decorated the cake with chocolate buttons and flowers.
  • I rolled a piece of coloured marzipan into a ball and placed this on the top of the cake as a cherry.

 I have already blogged about the:
Cupcake Party Theme: cupcake-party-theme
Cupcake Pinata Tutorial: cupcake-pinata-tutorial

cupcake birthday cake tutorial

cupcake birthday cake tutorial

You may find me at the following parties:

  Pink Hippo PartyMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysKeeping It SimpleA Marvelous MessThe Girl CreativeMixitupmop it up mondaysThings that make you say: apinchofjoy.comOur Delightful HomePhotobucket


  1. Yummy and now following you

  2. Haha, we have one of those giant cupcake molds that my husband bought for my birthday one year. This looks so fun to decorate!

  3. That is SUCH a cool cake. I didn't even know you could get molds like that. So fun!

  4. Looks very cute.. I love love this theme!!

  5. AWESOME! Thanks for linking up to the Creative Corner Hop. I hope you'll visit again next week. btw--I'm pinning this to my Let Them Eat Cake board on Pinterest.

    Cherished Handmade Treasures

  6. Such a cute cake -- for a fun party theme! Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy. Hope to see you again soon!

  7. Love the Cupcake Cake! And seriously.. what a Sweet party.. cupcakes are soo stinking adorable!
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  8. Salam Alaikum sister,
    MashAllah your giant cupcake looks a delight, im sure your children loved it too, i have been meaning to buy one of those huge moulds but waiting for a bargain price! Feel free to check out my blog too inshAllah


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