Friday, 13 January 2012

Book Review - The Miraculous Baby

Today I am posting a children's book review. This is my own personal review on one of the books I bought for my children. The title is 'The Miraculous Baby' Quran Stories for little Hearts. I thought I might share my reviews for any mothers who are interested in Islamic books suitable for their children.  I chose this book to do my first review as this is one of the favourites of my children.

The Miraculous Baby is about the story of the birth of Jesus (Isa) pbh and his mother Mary (Maryam). The story also covers the birth of Maryam and mentions Zakariyya pbh who is Mary's uncle. It tells you about Jesus's pbh first miracle - speaking as a baby. It also covers the miracle of moulding a bird out of clay and giving it life.

My children have all read this book, my eldest read this many years ago and he enjoyed it. My 9 year old daughter has read this many times and my 4 year old enjoys listening to the story before she goes to bed. The illustrations really help towards the telling of the story. I would suggest this book is suitable for the pre-schoolers and the young children like my 9 year old.

I would highly recommend this book to parents of young children. Here are the details of the book if you are interested in buying, I bought mine online and it is available through many outlets.

Title: The Miraculous Baby
Publisher: Goodword Books
ISBN: 8178983877

This post was on my other blog which I have now amalgamated with this blog. I want to do a monthly book review so I thought I would copy the two reviews I have already posted on my other blog over to this one.

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