Monday, 12 December 2011

Felt Strawberry Tutorial

felt strawberry tutorial muslim blog

The photograph above shows a felt strawberry that I made. These are so easy to make and you don't need a sewing machine, just needle and thread! I have made a quick tutorial on how I made this.

  • Red Felt
  • Green Felt
  • Brown/Gold coloured Thread
  • Needle
  • Stuffing
  • An Old CD (anything round!)
  • Paper (optional if you want to make a paper pattern)
felt strawberry tutorial

Step 1:  Make sure you have everything you need (See Pic 1)
Step 2: To make a paper pattern, use something round, I used a CD, to draw a circle on some paper. Fold the circle in half and cut across the crease. This will be your paper pattern for the strawberry. Cut out a semicircle from the red felt. (Pic 2)
Step 3: To make a leaf paper pattern - cut out a small square of paper (5cm x 5cm), cut this out into a 4 leaf shape. To make mine, I folded the square in half and then half again. I then snipped of two corners and unfolded the paper, leaving the leaf pattern. (Pic 3)
Step 4: You now have 2 paper patterns (Pic 4) and a semi circle of red felt. Now cut out the green felt into the leaves shape as shown.

felt strawberry tutorial

 Step 5: Fold the red felt into half. Stitch along the curved edge securing both sides. (Pic 5) Leaving the top open.
Step 6: Turn the strawberry inside out, so hiding the stitches already done. (Pic 6)
Step 7: Now stitch loose stitches all along the top of the opened fabric (You are not sewing anything together - these stitches are for gathering). Leave the needle threaded. (Pic 7)
Step 8: Place some stuffing into the strawberry. (Pic 8)

felt strawberry tutorial
Step 9:  Pull on the thread to gather the stitches so closing the top of the strawberry. (Pic 9)
Step 10:  Sew a few stitches to securely fasten. You now have the body of the strawberry.
Step 11: Using your coloured thread, sew random crosses all around the strawberry. I placed the needle through the top of the strawberry to hide the knot. And brought the needle through the top to finish. (Pic 11)
Step 12:  Place the green felt over the top of the strawberry and secure to the top by a couple of stitches in each leaf to the main strawberry (Pic 12) You now have a completed strawberry.

These really are easy to make, my 9 year old daughter made a couple of these too. You can also use these as a pincushion!
You may find me at the following parties:
  Pink Hippo PartyMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysKeeping It SimpleA Marvelous MessThe Girl Creative


  1. Super cute! Those strawberries would also make some cute baby-friendly Christmas ornaments,

  2. Wow! I guess we have a link so how...cause I just a strawberry too! But yours are definitely cute! I'm hosting a World Creative Blog hop - come and share your talent here :

  3. Those are really cute and look so easy to make. Thanks for the tutorial.

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments.


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