Monday, 5 December 2011

Felt Donut Tutorial

felt donut tutorial muslim blog

The photograph above shows a donut that I made recently.  These are normally made using felt, however I made this one using some fleece from an old jumper and some pink fleece remnants. These really are easy to make and can be done in less than an hour. My nine year old daughter also made one using this method, it took her a little longer as her hand stitching is a little slower.  Please find the tutorial below.

Items Needed
  • Needle
  • Coloured Threads
  • CD/DVD
  • Felt (Brown) You could use other fabrics!
  • Felt (Pink) You could use any colour for the icing!
  • Scissors
  • Stuffing

Step 1: Use an old CD to draw 1 circle in the pink fabric (not forgetting to mark the centre hole). Also use the CD to draw the circles on the brown fabric.  Then cut the 3 circles out of the fabric (Pic 1). Then cut out the hole in the centre. I folded the circle in half and cut out a semi circle this seemed the easiest way.

Step 2: Cut around the pink fabric to make what looks like a flower shape for the icing. (Pic 2)

Step 3: Layer the 3 pieces of fabric together. Place the brown felt together (not pattern facing) so the pattern is facing the outside. Layer the pink fabric on the top (Pattern facing upwards) as shown. (Pic 3)

Step 4: Hand stitch all the way around the centre hole, securing the 3 pieces of fabric together. (Pic 4)

Step 5: To secure the Pink Icing to the top layer of brown fabric, I hand stitched small red stitches randomly to the top two layers. (Leaving the bottom layer untouched. If you wish you can secure the bottom edges of the pink but I chose to leave them loose. (Pic 5)

Step 6: Stitch all along the edges of the brown fabric securing the two pieces together, Leave a small gap so that you can place the stuffing in. (Pic 6)

Step 7: Place your stuffing into the gap to fill out your donut. Then secure the opening with some more stitches. You now have your finished donut (Pic 8).

This really is an easy project to do and you can have as many different designs as you wish. You could also add small beads to the design or have different shaped icing or colours.  The photograph below is the donut that my 9 year old daughter made without any help from me!

You may find me at the following parties:
  Pink Hippo PartyMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysKeeping It SimpleA Marvelous MessThe Girl Creative


  1. So nice to meet you, I have just found your lovely blog through the blog hop this weekend wonderful to join in. I'm now following you hope you visit me and follow back so nice to find new friends to catch up with. Have a great day.

    Always Wendy

  2. Thank you both for your lovely comments.

  3. These are darling!!! I need to check out the rest of your blog. :)

  4. Isn't felt food fun? Kids have so much fun playing with it! Thanks for sharing!


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