Saturday, 2 April 2011

Funky Shark Stuffed Toy

shark stuffed toy
The above photograph is of a sewing project that my 12 year old son made at school.  They were given a task to make a sewing project that had a 'funky design'.  This was made out of felt pieces and stuffing.  He has sewed zigzag stich designs and also fabric painted some designs onto the felt.  They could bring it home once they had completed it.

Because it is kind of like a soft toy he gave this to his little 3 year old sister as a present.  She loved it and has been playing with it ever since.

At school they have been teaching his class how to sew, which I think is great.  My son has done some sewing, but never really decorative sewing, he quite liked doing this project.  I love the bright coloured felt that the children used, no wonder it was called 'funky'.

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