Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Felted Toys

 felt star tutorial
My daughters' both love playing the game 'moshi monsters' online and they have many of the trading cards.  My eldest has a swap club at school and this is the newest craze at the moment.  She wanted me to make her one of the moshi monsters characters out of the felt (from old wool jumpers)that we have.

We looked at all the different characters and chose one that matched with the felt colours we had.  We chose 'fumble' who is an orange starfish.  Below is a picture of the character.
My steps:
1) I scanned one of the trading cards on the computer, then printed this off enlarged.
2) I cut out the printed template and outlined it in black and pinned this to the felt.

3) Then I cut out the main body x 2 (for the back too!)
4) I then cut out the eyes and mouth template.
5) I placed these onto some white fabric (this wasn't felt, but soft fabric)
6) I used fabric pens to colour the mouth and eyes onto the white fabric.
7) I pinned the cut out pieces onto the body of the starfish
8) Then I hand sewed around the eyes and mouth with a blanket stitch with similar coloured thread.
9) Then I placed the front of the starfish to the back (front facing the other fabric)
10) Then I sewed all around the starfish, leaving a gap so that i could then turn the starfish back out.
11) Then I stuffed the starfish with wadding and hand stitched the opening closed.

It really was not that difficult and it took less than 1 hour to complete everything.

Linking with:
Katie's Nesting Spot


  1. newest follower from thursday blog hop. would love a visit and follow back. love crafty blogs

  2. That star is too cute! My daughter would love a little one :)
    New follower from the Fab Friends hop. Hope you get a chance to stop by my blog too :)

  3. Thanks for the comments, is hould be following you both with google friends now. Karima


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