Thursday, 7 April 2011

Designing Cards with Picnik

This is a card I designed for my mum to send to her family during the holidays last year.  I designed this using the 'Picnik' website, here is the link This is a great site that even my children use to design their own cards or posters.  This is a free site that I have used many times, there is the option to upgrade if you pay extra, but if you look around the site there is plenty in the free option.  I only use the free version and the card I designed above was designed using the free version.

You can change the colours, size, add text and add graphics.  As I said my 8 year old uses this site unaided, the instructions are so easy to follow, there is a help box which pops up when you first start using it.  Below is the original photograph I used to make the card above, so you can see what I have changed. This photograph is of my mother's chihuahua puppies waiting in the vets for their injections (ouch!)
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A Crafty Soiree at Katie's Nesting Spot


  1. Hi! Thanks for following. I am now following back!


  2. Lovely pic and looks great transformed into a card. Following you on GFC. Would love it if you would visit my new blog:


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