Friday, 11 July 2014

Makrout el Louz Recipe - Algerian Almond cakes

These are very popular cakes in Algeria, especially for Eid or other celebrations. They are one of my most favourite cakes in Algeria! My mother in law makes these and this year my sister in law showed me how she makes them too. These are the best batch I have made so far, they just melt in your mouth!


The Dough

  • 3 Cups of Ground Almond
  • 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • Zest from 4 lemons

The Syrup

  • 1 cup of Sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of Orange Flower Water


  • Icing Sugar (confectioners sugar)
  • Optional: Cornflour to avoid mixture sticking to the table when rolling.


Step 1: Place the almond, sugar and zest into a mixing bowl.  Add one of the eggs and mix them all.
Step 2: Add the rest of the egg slowly until you make the dough. (you may not need all of the egg!)
Step 3: Break the dough into 3 parts, so to make 3 sausage shapes.

Step 4: Roll one of the pieces of dough into a sausage shape. I used a non-stick mat for rolling or you could sprinkle cornflour onto the table.
Step 5: Cut slices at an angle into the sausage shape to make diamond shapes.
Step 6: Place the diamond shapes onto a baking tray and place into a pre-heated oven of 175 degrees electric oven.
Step 7: Remove before they become golden (between 10-20 mins) and place onto a cooling rack.

Step 8: Prepare the syrup, place all 3 ingredients for syrup into a saucepan and allow to boil and then simmer for 20 minutes.
Step 9: Place the Icing sugar into a bowl
Step 10: When the makrout pieces have cooled slightly you need to place them into the syrup carefully.
Step 11: Then remove with fork and drain the excess syrup off before playing them straight into the bowl of icing powder. gently dab the icing sugar all over the makrout and then place them onto a plate.
Step 12: After 5 minutes place the already covered makrout back into the bowl of icing sugar and cover them with sugar for a second time. Then place them into some paper baking cases.


  1. Salaams,
    These look fantastic, have to try them soon inshallah

  2. Asalamu alaikum,

    Masha'Allah you still at it with your arts and crafts. By the way my new post is up come share some wise words, Ishraq (Sunrise) Prayer..

    Take Care

  3. This looks delicious, will have to try this!



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