Sunday, 15 December 2013

My reason for lack of posts lately

For those who follow my blog regularly you may have noticed the lack of posts for the last few weeks.  The reason for this was that my Mum was very poorly and unfortunately I have to share the news that she passed away on the 5th December 2013.  It has been a very difficult time for the whole family and blogging was the last thing on my mind at this time. For those who follow me on Facebook I have already shared this news but I know some of my followers are not on Facebook, so thought it best to write a post directly to my blog. I will try to share a quick crafty post tomorrow of a craft that my 11 year old made this week and then hopefully start blogging about my own crafts soon, insha'Allah. Thank you for being patient with me during this difficult time.


  1. assalamu aleiki warahmatullahi ukhti filah, inna lilahi wa inna ileihi rajioun, allahuma give u sabra and comfort ur heart ameen love for the sake of allah xxx

  2. asalaam alaikum sister, I don't know really what to say, it must be very difficult. I just wanted you to know there are sisters out there thinking of you and making duaa for you. Um Tareq

  3. Asalamu alaikum,

    May Allah grant you and your family patience, Aameen.

    To Him we belong and to Him we shall return.

    Take Care

  4. Asalaam Alaikum sister, my condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. May Allah SWT send comfort and healing to you and your family, and may the family be lead to Islam, Ameen.

  5. Thinking of you Karima. Healing takes time, may God ease your pain and help you to find peace. Love from France.

  6. Salaam alaykum,

    inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun.
    Ameen on the du'a made.
    Take care

  7. As-Salaamu Alaykum Karima,
    To Allah we belong and to him is our return.
    Ameen to the d'ua in all comments.


I love to receive messages, I will try to reply as soon as possible.