Friday, 1 February 2013

Guest Post - Mariam Poppins

Today I have a guest post from the lovely Lady who writes the blog 'Mariam Poppins' - I so love this blog! - She also has a Facebook page that she updates daily which I love visiting, she covers a variety of topics and invites her followers to join in with her topics. Here is her link:
Rise and Shine Sleepy Head: Tips & Tricks to starting your day early
By: Umm Suhailah bint Samuel of Mariam Poppins
I've said several times: "Ladies start your day before or right after Fajr!" and I know it's easier said then done. But trust me, you can do it! Getting up before the whole house wakes up is truly a benefit. You can get more things done in a day, have some peace and quiet, study time, and getting up early means ending your day a lot quicker! Who doesn't want the day to feel completely free? I know as a mother of 4 that taking advantage of the time is uber important. We certainly don't have time to waste!
So, we know getting up means a lot, you get more out of your day when you do- but how do you start? I'm going to share some ways you can increase your energy, save yourself from stress, and get yourself out of the bed! Here are some quick tips and tricks that you can do, to get yourself out the bed, sleepy head!
One: GET UP AND GO! Just do it! Don't think twice about. Sometimes you simply just have to do it. Make your intentions first: Why am I getting up early? What's my purpose? Women with a purpose, are on a mission. And women with a mission, have goals, purpose and a sense of self. So set your alarm each day 10 minutes earlier then the last time, until you reach the goal you want to accomplish in waking up a certain time.
Two. Exercise. I know some one is looking at the screen, rubbing their eyes once or twice as if I stated something offensive. *smiles* No really, exercise. Exercise is not all about the inner skinny anymore. People are exercising to get total health benefits, and the bonus of looking and feeling a lot better. Exercise sharpens your mind, get you focus, increases your energy and gets your day going. I personally love to do an exercise routine I'm following called: Shred. 20 mins a day 3 levels. So get out the bed, and put on your sneakers and do some 20 minutes of working out, then take a nice 15 minute shower, and start your day! Not only did you do something for yourself but you are doing something for your family. Your getting up early, being productive, and pushing the household forward.
Three. Eat right. How can you have any energy to get up early if you aren't eating right? Take your vitamins, drink water, and as my children know, eat the colors of the rainbow. No, I don't mean yellow cookies, green candies, and red lollipops. Seriously, eat your fruits and vegetables. Seriously sit down and look at how you eat. Are you snacking through the day? Do you eat regular meals? Are you skipping a lot of meals? Your body needs the fuel to get going! So seriously analyze this and find out where you need to make improvements.

Other ideas:
Make duaa, ask Allaah to make it easy on you to get up early. Call on Him by His lovely Names & Attributes.
Strive hard. Once you make duaa, strive towards the goal of getting up early. Start doing the tips above and each day by Allaah's Mercy alone, it gets easier.
Positive Thoughts. Don't tell yourself you cannot do it. You are already setting yourself up for failure. Believe you can do it, and execute it! You are what you think. Think winner, and be a winner.
What are some things you do to help yourself get up early in the morning?

By: Umm Suhailah bint Samuel of Mariam Poppins


  1. Salam Alaikum sisters

    Most beneficial masha'Allah
    JazakAllah Khair

    1. waalaikum salam, yes I found the post very beneficial too - glad you liked it!

    2. Bismillaah

      As salaamu alaiki

      Thank you for allowing us to guest post!! I love your blog Mashaa'Allaah and I hope I can write for you again :D

      ~Umm Suhailah~

    3. Thank you Umm Suhailah, I loved your post - and yes I hope you can do another post for me in the future inshallah :)

  2. Maashaa Allaah, great post. There is so much barakah in getting up early and being productive.

    Jazaakunnullaahu khayran -----{@


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