Saturday, 18 August 2012

Eid Mubarak

eid mubarak card muslim blog

Eid Mubarak to you all. Eid is a time of celebration for the Muslims who are celebrating the end of the month of Ramadan.  It is a Muslim Holiday that involves many visiting friends and family, sharing gifts and children are given new clothes to wear on this day by their parents.  This can be celebrated over a few days in some cultures but the first day after Ramadan is the main day of celebration. Our family have all been busy making lovely Eid cakes which is a tradition in our family, this year we will be sharing these with all or friends and family (both Muslim and Non-Muslim).

In the past I have never really had the opportunity to celebrate Eid fully. As a revert and because my in-laws live abroad I have only celebrated Eid at home with my husband and children.  This year however, I have met some lovely new Muslim friends and my children and I will be spending time with them for Eid so I am really looking forward to it inshallah.

As a crafter, the photograph above shows a card that I designed (my son designed actually!) which I will be giving to my friends on this blessed day IA.

To make this card, I bought some ready cut cream cards and envelopes from a local craft shop at quite a cheap price. My son (aged 13) designed the front of the card using Photoshop and I simply printed them out onto the card. It is really easy to place these cards into the majority of printers, my printer is just a basic Epson printer, for caution I normally only place one card at a time - but I don't think that is necessary - just me being cautious.

The photos below show the lovely cakes that we will be gifting to our friends and family IA

eid mubarak gifts muslim blog

eid mubarak gifts muslim blog

Parties linked to this week are:
  Pink Hippo PartyMixitupapinchofjoy.comPhotobucket


  1. Replies
    1. Eid Mubarak - Hope you had a great Ramadan.

  2. Eid mubarak dear Karima, I hope you will be having a great day!
    and your son did great job..the card is looking so good!

    1. Thank you - hope your Ramadan went well. Yes my son is enjoying using photoshop so is now starting to be a bit creative like his mum haha!

  3. Salam Alaikum Wa Eid Mubarak,


    1. Eid Mubarak - My cookies recipe is already on my blog - inshallah I will do posts on the other cakes! Cookies link:

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks - just found your message - for some reason it was in my spam messages!


I love to receive messages, I will try to reply as soon as possible.