Monday, 26 September 2011

Vase Makeover

vase makeover spray muslim blog
Today's post I am sharing with you is an old vase that has been in the family for many years, I think it is even older than me! My grandmother gave it to me as she no longer had any need for it.  It is a good sturdy vase but the design was very dated!  So I decided to have a go with the spray paint.

The photo below is what the vase originally looked like.

I used a can of spray paint that I had in the house. I originally bought this to give my daughter's bike a makeover but decided against it once she had outgrown it!

I took the vase outside and placed it onto some old newspaper and sprayed away. It took about 3 coats and I had to leave a 4 hour gap between respraying. I managed to have it completed by the evening!

Below is a nice before and after photo collage. I now have this vase in my living room.  I managed to buy some really cheap imitation flowers to put in the vase which made it blend in nicely with the room.

vase makeover spray muslim blog

This post is actually my 101st post since I started blogging this year, Yeah!

This week you might find me linking this post with some or all of the following link parties / blog hops:
  Pink Hippo Party Beneath the Rowan TreeMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysPhotobucketTipMeTuesdayButtonConfessions Of A Stay At Home MommyStrictly Homemade TuesdayhomeworkPassionately ArtisticKatie's Nesting SpotRhinestone BeaglebuttonDearCreatives HookingupwithHoH


  1. You have transformed it in to a stylish creation

  2. so cool, i m a big fan of red color :)

  3. Wow--that is a great make-over. Love the pretty natural bouquet with the red vase. Awesome project! Have a great week.

  4. You breathed new life into that old vase! Love it! :)

  5. I can't believe that's the same vase! Seriously, it's 100% different. And 100% gorgeous!. :)

    PS I have a $50 cash giveaway going on at my blog this week. Come by when you get a chance! :)

  6. Isn't it awesome what a little paint can do?! Wonderful makeover!

  7. I love that paint can transform anything! Where have I been all these years? I've just been introduced to the wonders of spray paint. This vase looks amazing. I love the bright color red.

  8. Nice job! great color choice. Does the spray stay on for you? no chipping?

  9. You've received a blog award because your creative =)

  10. Hey thanks for checking my blog out. This vase is really cool! I love the color- it makes it look a lot better. Great job :)

    If Work Permits

  11. Wow - thanks so much for all the comments x

  12. Wow, that is such a great transformation!!

  13. I gave this re-purpose a shout out on
    Thanks for linking up again this past week!
    Don't you love how spray-paint can just make something new again! I shared a spray-paint re-purpose this week too! xo theresa

  14. I like this. I would never have thought of such an easy make over for a vase.


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