Monday, 12 September 2011

Diaper Box Storage

diaper box storage muslim blog
Above is a photograph of my makeover that I did using a special disney princess diaper box that I saved, I think it was the brand 'Huggies'. It originally came with a lid and I used to store the diapers/nappies from my youngest, she is 4 now! It was quite a sturdy box and I was using it to store my children's books. It was getting a bit battered looking so I decided to give it a makeover. Below are some photographs of the original box.

I used some sticky back plastic which I already had in the house to cover the box. I now have a lovely storage box which could be currently used as it is for storing books or could be used as shelving. Below are photographs of the completed storage box.
diaper box storage muslim blog
Do you recognise the sticky back plastic? It is the same one I used for my other project: Plug Organizer Tutorial

I think it came our really well and looks quite trendy now!
This week I am linking this post with the following link parties / blog hops:
  Pink Hippo Party Beneath the Rowan TreeMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysPhotobucketTipMeTuesdayButtonConfessions Of A Stay At Home MommyStrictly Homemade TuesdayhomeworkPassionately ArtisticKatie's Nesting SpotRhinestone BeaglebuttonDearCreatives Lots of Lovin' Weekend Blog Hop


  1. Very nice, My dear you have done great job :)
    Now its looking very well..thanks for sharing the directions with us !!
    Lots of Love

  2. This is my favorite kind of craft lately. Turning garbage into something tangible. Bravo! It looks great. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Found you on the Monday Monkey Hop, now following. That is a cute craft and really smart, I am going to have to try it!

  4. oh my gosh.. What a lovely idea.. You've got some awesome ideas!! :-)

  5. What a great idea...and so nicely done! It looks great!

  6. That is fabulous and oh so trendy. I love how you took something geared toward a younger girl and made it something even a tween or adult would love.

    I am a new follower from the Monday Playdate Link Party. If you have a chance stop by and say hi.

  7. ths craft is the designs and the wonderful idea behind that

  8. Love this repurpose idea! Your new follower from

  9. This looks really great and it's a very good idea, also saves you a lot of money.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  10. This is an amazing idea..I have to try it sometime..:)

  11. The box was pretty before you covered it but now it's chic! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  12. Great transformation. Thanks for posting at the Rhinestone Beagle!

  13. What a transformation! Great way to reuse items and make them pretty at the same time!

  14. Found you on Happy Hour Freestyle Friday, loving this post and great re-do! I'm a new follower, stop by and say Hi if you get a chance

  15. It turned out so elegant, I love black white and pink...great job Karima

  16. Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments. I really do like the colours of this box, I am still using it as storage for my children's books but it would probably look better somewhere on display! Karima :)

  17. Very good idea and cute too!!

    Thanks for the follow. I'm following back!

  18. Super cute! I've had empty diaper boxes in our house for years, but never considered them for "cute" storage. Brilliant!

    1. Thanks for your comments - Boxes are great when they are given a makeover!

  19. So pretty masha'Allah. Can I do this with any other boxes?


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