Monday, 27 June 2011

Pirate Hat Tutorial

Today's post shows you how I made the Pirate Hat shown in the photograph above.

My daughter will be dressing up as a pirate at school next week, so I have been searching and asking for help on ideas to make her a pirate costume.  She was not happy about dressing up as a boyish pirate, so I have had to try to think of ways to make the outfit more girly!

An idea that someone mentioned to me, was using a normal pink cowboy hat and transform it into a pirate hat, these hats can normally be found in some of the pound/dollar shops. My intention was to go and have a look in these shops, however I was really lucky in finding a red and silver cowboy hat at my son's school fair and it only cost 40p.

Below is a photograph of the original hat before I did any work on it.

Step 1: Find a picture of a skull and crossbones, print and cut out a template.
Step 2: Use the template to cut out some white and red felt pieces.

Photo below shows the felt pieces for the applique.

Step 3: Sew the eyes and nose onto the skull, also hand sew a mouth onto the skull.
Step 4: Pin the brim of the cowboy hat to the top of the hat in three pieces, see first photo for example.
Step 5: Sew on the skull applique to the front of one of the upturned sides of the hat brim. (You will need to unpin the brim to make it easier) Use any style for effectiveness.

See a close up photo (sorry for the quality) of the skull sewn to the hat brim.
Step 6: Hand stitch the folded up brims to the top of the hat so that they are secured tightly.
Step 7: Add decoration, I added some pink feathers.

Below is another photo of the completed pirate hat.

Even though this was an adult size hat, it fits my 4 year old daughter really well. At first I thought I might have to add some padding inside, but there wasn't any need for it.  Now I need to start work on the rest of the outfit.

I am sharing/linking this post with the following:
TipMeTuesdayButton Katie's Nesting Spot
Rhinestone Beagle

Strictly Homemade Tuesday


Passionately Artistic Confessions of a Stay at Home Mommy
 BWS tips button


  1. Hi there! This girly pirate hat looks fantastic! Brilliant idea to use a cowboy hat! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Karima! You are so talented! I've really enjoyed looking around your blog at all your crafty goodness! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  3. Pretty creative turning a cowboy hat into a pirate hat. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you via GFC now.

  4. I never would have thought to do this. You are one smart mama! I would love it if you would link up to my Tuesday Confessional link party going on now: I hope to see you soon!

  5. very clever idea - I am sure your daughter is going to be stylin' in this hat...

    thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a new follower - I have come by and returned the favor.

    have a great week.

  6. A pirate with red hat and pink feather? That's must be the most adorable pirate ever! Thanks for drop by and following my blog, Love PC

  7. That is too cute! My kids are all into pirates now since they have seen the latest Pirate of the Caribbean movie. This would be great for halloween. Thanks for visiting! I am now following you back.

  8. Hi, Karima - this is way cute! I love how the skull looks friendly, not scary - perfect for a little girl costume. Thanks for coming to visit my blog!

  9. Thank you all so much for leaving such lovely comments, hopefully in a couple of weeks I will have a post showing my daughter in her full pirate costume (once I have finished it!) Karima x

  10. Cute! We love hats here. It's amazing how much a single hat can transform imaginative play! :>

  11. love your crafts! following you here now too!

    following you from i love blogging hop! would love a follow back and say hello

  12. Hi, Thanks for following my blog!! Love the hat, I'm now following you!!

  13. Hi! I’m following your blog. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. If you’re ever interested in a blog makeover please let me know. Take a look at my portfolio and packages. Hope you are having a Sweet Week.

    A Mommy’s Blog Design Studio
    Join us every Friday for our Blog Hop!

    Review and Giveaway Blog Directory
    If you feature Reviews and Giveaways come add your blog here!

  14. She's gonna be one stylin' pirate! TOO CUTE! Thank you for linking to Handy Man, Crafty Woman's Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  15. That's clever - I love when people bother to make costumes for their children rather than just going out and buying them. It loks really good, I bet she loved wearing it

    Thanks for dropping by my blog :)

  16. that girly pirate hat looks so cute.. Must be a fun project to make! Following you back

  17. So cute! I wish I would have thought of doing something like that last Halloween for my pirates costume. Very clever

  18. Too cute! Thank you for linking up this week!

  19. Thank you all for your lovely messages, this is the first time I have had over 20 messages to my posts!

  20. So cute, I bet your daughter is thrilled with her girly pirate hat.x

  21. Love the pirate hat! My son is really into pirates these days. He'd love a more permanent one than the paper one we made on his birthday.

    Thanks for following my blog; I've followed you now, too.

    Have a great day!

  22. I love glittery pirates. Thanks so much for linking up!

  23. We thought this was so cute that your pirate hat is one of our features at the party tomorrow. Come by and grab a button!

  24. What an innovative creation! Really nice work. So glad you stopped by my blog so that I could come and see yours!

  25. this is gorgeous! What a great idea

  26. I love this hat! I don't have a daughter, but I do have a very girly niece :) she will be the only girl at my son's 3rd birthday party and I am planning on making her some special items- this will be perfect!!! Thank you for the idea


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