Sunday, 27 February 2011

Child's Picnic Mat

child picnic mat
My youngest daughter just loves to play with her tea set. She sits with all her teddies and dolls and serves them cakes and drinks, and of course she doesn’t forget mummy! She normally has all the cups and saucers etc, spread all over the floor, making it impossible to walk around safely.

Above is a photograph of the Child's Picnic Mat I recently sewed. (Made from an old curtain.) I noticed online that someone had made a picnic mat for their child, which involved it having strings attached so that you could place the tea set inside the mat/bag for easy storage.
Unfortunately I didn’t save the link, I really need to make a point of noting all the links that I find interesting.
Opposite is a close up photo, so you can see the lovely pink/white patterned material.
I made this mat a lot larger than the one on the tutorial, as my daughter does have quite a lot of teddies and dolls to sit around the mat. The only problem I found was that because it was larger, the strings didn’t gather very well, making a large opening at the top. However I was still very happy with my project. My daughter loves the new picnic mat, and it keeps all the tea set in one place, making it easier to walk in the room now.

I used an old curtain for this mat. The edging around the circular mat was from the sides of the curtains, which I unpicked and then sewed them to the edge of the mat. Another project under my category, upcyling.

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