Friday, 21 January 2011

First Post!

Hi, this is my very first blog.  Not sure what I will be writing about yet.  I will probably write about things that I have crafted, or anything interesting that my family have done!  I craft at the moment for personal reasons, not business.  I make things for friends and family, but they often tell me I should start selling things or do a small business.  I guess I am scared to venture into the realm of being self-employed! However, the idea is pushing its way into my mind and I guess this is why I have started this blog. To see what kind of things are out there, and to see if I have the patience and time to succeed!

1 comment:

  1. And I'm so glad you did start this blog cos I've spent the past few days reading it all and youve got some mint stuff on here!

    - Ellie @ Mammy Made


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