A pirate hat I made from a simple straw hat.
My youngest daughter, aged 10 has been enjoying herself recently attending local Comic Cons and dressing up. So far she has been Princess Belle, Princess Merida and also Hermione from Harry Potter. This time she was wanting to dress as a pirate for a Mini Con Pirate and Fairies theme. We managed to put together a costume from different items of clothing purchased from local charity/thrift shops. The biggest challenge was finding a pirate hat. We managed to find a straw hat just a day before the event, so I had some quick work to do to get it pirate ready!
Items needed:
- Straw hat or similar shaped hat as shown.
- Ribbons, broken or unwanted jewellery.
- Needle and thread.
Step 1: Fold the hat into a tricorn shaped hat. Place some stitches using similar coloured thread to the hat to attach the brim of the hat to to hat part.
Step 2: Decorate the hat, I hand stitched ribbon, folded all the way around the outside of the hat as shown. I then attached a different ribbon along the first folded one to hide the stitches and also add design to it.
Step 3: Hand stitch pieces of costume jewellery to the hat. I used a pair of unwanted earrings to the side and an old brooch I no longer use to the front.
Step 4: Optional - If you have any feathers you could attach those too!
Below are some photos of my daughter wearing her hat and also her full costume.
She also designed a fabulous treasure map to go with her costume. She has this on her own blog, here is the link: artyprincess.com/2017/04/diy-treasure-map-doctor-who-theme.html