Monday 18 January 2016

Acrylic Painting block colours

I recently shared a post showing a painting my 8 year old made which was sold straight away after being up in an exhibition. Here is the link if you missed it:    Anyway she decided to do another painting with a similar style, block painting.  I am happy to say that this painting was sold immediately too. So she has now sold 2 of her paintings.

Below are some photographs of her doing this painting. The painting below is her doing the first layer of acrylics.

The photo below is her adding the second layer of paints to bring out the bold colours.

The photo below shows the finished painting before it is framed. Last time she chose a white frame but this time we went for a silver frame.

Below is the photograph of her last painting she sold, which had a similar design.

Friday 15 January 2016

More Inspirational Posters

inspirational quotes

I have recently shared a post showing 7 posters I have designed using my own photographs.  Today I am sharing another 7 posters I have designed with quotes. The poster above was my 8th poster. Feelings are like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf.

Poster 9 I designed - This is from my photo album but the actual photo was taken by my 13 year old daughter. No matter how far apart we are, we will all be under the same sky.

inspirational quotes

Poster 10 - I took this photo near High Force Waterfall. I've never found time spent amongst nature to be a waste of time.

inspirational quotes

Poster 11 - I took this photo in a nearby park.  Think like a bird. The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly!

inspirational quotes

Poster 12 - I took this photo at our local beach.  In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude.  One must overcome the fear of being alone.

inspirational quotes

Poster 13 - Took this recently when it snowed.  You know it's cold outside, when you go outside and it's cold.

inspirational quotes

Poster 14 - I took this photo of my youngest daughter at the beach.  A little sand between your toes always takes away your woes.

inspirational quotes

If you missed the first 7 posters, here is the link:

Sunday 10 January 2016

Acrylic Landscape painting

My 8 year old recently tried her hand at painting in block colours and quite liked this technique so she decided to have a go at a landscape painting. The result was brilliant. We had this painting framed and it was put up at a local art exhibition. The painting was sold in the first week after much interest.

The photo above shows her painting the first layer. The photo below is the finished painting before we framed it.

The photo below shows the painting hanging up on display. Sorry the lighting quality of the space wasn't good for photographs.

Friday 1 January 2016

Inspirational Quotes 7 Posters

if the sea were ink for writing

For a long time now I have always wanted to make some inspirational posters using my own photographs.  Well I eventually got around to start making some. So far I have designed 7 posters so thought to share them all here as one post.  I do hope you like them and please share them too!

If the sea were ink for writing the words of my lord, the sea would be dry before the words of my lord were finished.

It might be stormy now

It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever!

Life always offers you a second chance

Life always offers you a second chance. It's called Tomorrow.  

Appreciate the little things

 Appreciate the little things as there are so many.

Inspirational poster lake reflection

Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while.
Inspirational poster paths

Don't be afraid to take an unfamiliar path.  Sometimes they're the ones to take you to the best places.

There is no Elevator

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.