Sunday 29 March 2015

Folded Book Art

My 7 year old has been designing books and having a go at folded book art at one of her Home Education Art Classes. She really enjoyed this lesson and made a lovely piece of artwork that I have on display at home now! The photo below shows her lovely collage design for the front of the book.

My 12 year old also did some Folded Book Art which she has already blogged about on her own blog. Here is her link and a photo below:

Saturday 21 March 2015

Solar Eclipse 2015 Homeschooling Trip

This week most people in the UK and other parts of the world have been looking forward to the Solar Eclipse. We bought our solar eclipse glasses in advance and arranged to meet with other homeschooling families at the beach to get a good view.

The weather was unfortunately cloudy on the morning of the eclipse (Friday 20th March 2015) but in between the cloud breaks we managed to get some good views of the eclipse. It was a good spot to view this on the beach as the children also had fun playing on the beach and climbing the rocks and looking in the rock pools!

I managed to get a few nice shots of the eclipse and plenty more of the beach too! We found a lovely heart shaped piece of sea glass which was a nice bonus!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Crafts by Kids

My 7 year old has been doing some crafts at her weekly Brownies Club. She loves being able to do crafts when she goes and she received her craft and artist badge recently!  The photograph above shows a lovely card she made recently. Below are some other crafts that she has also made at her Brownies Club.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Tile Crafts

My 7 year old has been doing some crafts involving tiles. She did this at her weekly Brownies Club which she loves.  She used stickers for this particular craft but you could decorate these with paints or sharpie pens. You can get white tiles fairly cheap if you shop around or use any spare tiles you may already have in the home.