Monday 25 November 2013

Crocheted Doll Clothes

My 11 year old daughter has been very busy the last few days designing crocheted doll clothes for her 6 year old sister's dolls! She has made different designs for different dolls and I thought I would share them with you.  She didn't follow any pattern she just crocheted free hand.

Below are some of the photographs a bit larger so you can see them a bit more clearly. The one directly below are some shoes to fit a standard baby doll.

The crocheted dress below was made for a small miniature doll. I love the bottom of the dress design.

The crocheted top and shorts were made for a standard Barbie size doll.

It has been a long while since she did any crochet work, I think personally it is the cold weather that has started her off. More time in the house during the dark cold nights means more time snuggling up and doing crochet work!


  1. Very cute, you have a talented little one. I want to pick up crocheting again inshaAllah...haven't done it since 17 years if you can believe it.


  2. very talented! I couldnt even make those at my age!

  3. Oh I keep meaning to learn how to crotchet.

    Munchkin has a barbie doll which is currently naked and in need of some clothes! These would be fab!

  4. Very talented little one Ma Sha Allah! They are really looking cute..!


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