Monday, 18 June 2012

Monday Gratitude

Today for the first time I joining in with the lovely Marie from heartintransit she does a weekly Monday Gratitude Post. I love her blog she is a creative writer and writes in both English and French!

So here goes, the things I am grateful for this week are:

  • My kids were all at school last week - No illnesses and having to look after poorly children!
  • Having the time to make some lovely fabric boxes to put on my new shelves - and it cost me nothing!
  • Meeting some new friends at an Islamic Class I have just joined.
  • Having the time to read my fellow bloggers posts this past week.
  • Having some family time last week - I took the children to the Funfair and they really enjoyed themselves.
  • I learnt another Surah this past week - with help from my 13 year old son.

Why not join Maire at her blog: heartintransit




  1. Aww mashaAllah you sound like you had a good week last week. Good for you on learning another surah. Your post has encouraged me to try to do one too inshaAllah. Your son helped you? How fab?! The boxes sound a treat. Hope you have another good week. Masalama

    1. Thank you sister for your message - I do hope inshallah you manage to learn another Surah - I would be happy!

  2. Lovely! So many nice things happened in your week. Thanks for joining dear, I am delighted. Stay well. xx

    1. How are you Marie - I am so glad I managed to join in with your 'Monday Gratitude' - I have wanted to for a while now. Take Care.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by - I am glad I got to join in this week!

  4. Assalamu alaykum :) Masha'Allah, lovely things to be grateful for, we always have a reason to be grateful. Thanks for sharing your Monday Gratitude xx

    1. I do try my best to be grateful for even the smallest of things - Being grateful is actually quite hard for many people these days - they take so many things for granted. I wish everyone could be more grateful - life would be much better I think.

  5. MashAllah nice blog. Glad to have found your page. Now following :)

    1. Thank you so much for popping by and following - just been by your blog - I love it!


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