Today's post is showing a craft that my 11 year old daughter made this week! I was inspired to make a cozy by my blogger friend Ameenah from: after we both saw a lovely one made by my other blogger friend Ameera from I was too busy to make one but my 11 year old also loved the idea after seeing her photograph and decided to make one herself. Here is the photograph of the one that inspired us, isn't it so cute!:
I don't think she has put this on her blog just yet! But you can see it on her facebook page if you have a Facebook account: Once she has it on her blog I will give the blog link insha'Allah.
I think my friend actually made hers by knitting but my daughter made hers by crocheting, these are easy to make either way! All you need to do is make a rectangle shape which is wide/long enough to wrap around your glass jar. Add your preferred decoration and attach the 2 ends and place over your jar - simple! Below is a photograph of the cozy on the jar and off the jar:

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