
Monday, 26 May 2014

Easy Butterfly Craft

easy butterfly craft

My 7 year old daughter has recently started 'Brownies' which is the younger group of 'Girl Guides' in the UK. She recently came home with a lovely butterfly craft which she made so I thought I would post it on my blog for a craft project!

It is very simple to make and an easy craft for youngsters. All that is required are 3 things: 1 rectangle piece of cloth for the wings, 1 piece of card folded a few times to make a design in the centre. I pipe cleaner to wrap around the centre to make the butterfly body and antennae. That is it, as I said very easy!

1 comment:

  1. Asalamu alaikum,

    Thx 4 sharing, Warning! Have you heard..

    Take Care


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