
Monday, 18 March 2013

Giveway! To celebrate my 1000 likes on Facebook

Yeah - I have reached over 1000 likes on Facebook and promised to do a giveaway when this happened.  I am sorry for the ones who have entered via Facebook - I only found out that it is against Facebook rules to run giveaways via Facebook - so I have set up this blog post for people to enter the giveaway!  Please leave your contact details - you can do this privately if you wish via if you don't want everyone seeing your details!

Giveaway details:

An Apron or a little girls bag - you choose if you are the one picked to receive the giveaway! Let me know by leaving a message on this post which one you would be interested in or via pm message to my email address. So sorry for confusion!

The ones who have already put their names down on facebook will still be included - I have logged your details - but you can still put your details here too!

Giveaway Ends on Sunday 24 March 2013.


  1. Mabrook karima! An apron would be awesome to giveaway

  2. Al hamdulillah on 1000+ likes you have an awesome page mashaa Allah I would VERY much love love love an apron :)

  3. Congrats Sis!

    Yep, Id love an apron, lol... as it is Im using one of the kids' "play" aprons, hahaha! So that'd be awesomeness. :)

  4. MashAllah well done on the 1000 likes!

    Apron plz if we win

  5. Great news... congrats on 1000 likes! lovely. bag please if i win.


I love to receive messages, I will try to reply as soon as possible.