
Monday, 15 October 2012

How to Detangle Doll Hair Tutorial

how to detangle doll hair tutorial

 My daughter had quite a few dolls that after a while had hair that was all tangled up and frizzy and looked unfixable.  I thought there must be a way to fix these dolls to make them look better!  I did some research on Google and found that there were a few recommended ways to fix this. I decided to follow the way that seemed easier and involved using things that I already had in the house!
So if you are interested in how I managed to fix my daughter's doll hair here is my tutorial which is very easy.
how to detangle doll hair tutorial
Step 1: I used a large bowl and filled half full with luke warm water.
Step 2: I added 1 cup of fabric conditioner to the water and mixed.
Step 3: I placed the basin onto a table and placed a small towel beside it.
Step 4: I placed the dolls hair into the bowl of solution and left for about 30 minutes.
Step 5: After making sure all the hair had been wet I removed the doll.
Step 6: I towel dried lightly the hair and using a normal brush I brushed through the dolls hair. The brush went through much easier.
Step 7: I allowed the hair to dry and my daughter then styled the hair.

The dolls hair now smells really nice too because of the fabric conditioner that I used.
My post this week is linked to:
  Pink Hippo PartyMixitupapinchofjoy.comPhotobucket


  1. MashaAllah How cute :-) A good way to keep the hair untangled hehe.

    1. Thanks - I wish I knew about this many years ago - so many dolls thrown away!

  2. This is so awesome! I am sharing it on Tuesday Tips tomorrow! You have saved a lot potential frustration in nannies lives!

    1. Thanks so much for the shout out - so nice of you. Hope it manages to help some nannies!

  3. I think every mum had to deal with this tough task at least once.........I'll keep it in mind.
    Thanks Karima
    BTW I love your new blog design!

    1. Thank you for your kind words Marie. I am glad you like my new design! I was a bit bored with the old one so thought I would give it a makeover - this design was a free one but I am still really impressed with it!

  4. Asalamu alaikum,

    Thx for sharing, I must say this is the least impressive creative thing ive seen on your blog so far, forgive me for saying :)

    Look out for my "After Hajj" post coming soon! Your wise words welcomed..

    Take Care

    1. waalaikum salam sister, I am sorry that you are not impressed. A lot of posts that I write are creative things that I have made but I also post a few things that are ideas for things that we come across in life. I have thrown away many dolls in the past because of the hair being matted, and I wish I had known this solution many years ago so I thought I would share this with my readers.

  5. Asalamu alaikum,

    Im a brother for the 100th time. Thank you for sharing a wonderful post. I have a special message for you posted today, hope you like.

    Take Care.

    1. You are no bother, and I love your message!

  6. Karima -- Thank you so much for sharing this solution to a major doll mama problem! I, too, have gotten rid of dolls because their hair looked so bad! Pinned to my Doll Board. Thanks so much for linking on Busy Monday!

    1. I am so glad you found this useful - we are saving dolls everywhere now lol!

  7. As salamu alaykum wa raghmatullah, How sad that my mother did not know this at the 80, and finally, the doll looked so ugly that in a careless of my mother I picked up the scissors .... and jas jas jas .. ...... ... in the end, all had the appearance of boy.

    1. waalaikum salam, I know when I was young I saw so many dolls thrown away once their hair was matted!


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