
Monday, 16 January 2012

Tissue Box Makeover Tutorial

tissue box makeover

This post is to show you how to turn a plain cardboard tissue box into a box more easy on the eye.  I have seen some special boxes which you can place over your tissue boxes but they can be a bit expensive and not always the same size as your brand of tissues. So I decided to give my box a makeover. Here is my tutorial on how I did this.

  • Tissue Box
  • Scissors
  • Sticky Backed plastic


Step 1: Cut a slit at the bottom of the tissue box  - now remove your tissues in one go.
Step 2: Place the box onto the sticky backed plastic and measure how much you need to cover the whole box (excep the bottom).
Step 3: Cut out your pieces and cover the box with the plastic. To make it easier for cutting and sticking, I made the oval shaped opening into a rectangle so that the sticky backed plastic could fold under neatly.
Step 4: Place the tissues back into the box and place some tape underneath to secure the bottom of the box. You now have your box finished!

 Once your box is empty you can re-use it again by opening up the bottom and refilling with tissues and close the bottom again. This really is something very easy to do and can make a lot of difference to your home decor.  You can even use alternative coverings such as fabric or other types of paper to cover them.

You may find me at the following parties:
  Pink Hippo PartyMonday Monkey Hop at Mommy of Two Little MonkeysKeeping It SimpleA Marvelous MessThe Girl CreativeMixitup


  1. waoo.. so cute..I like this re-use my dear Karima :)

  2. great idea! It may seem small, but it's annoying to have odd looking tissue boxes about the house. You could change the look seasonally,too.

    Here from Artful Rising

    Splendid Little Stars

  3. What a clever idea! I'd love for you to share this at my new party:

    Thanks :)

  4. There are so many fun things you could do with this idea! Thanks for sharing!


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