
Monday, 1 August 2011

Door Organizer Mini Tutorial

door organizer tutorial

Here is a photograph of a door storage / organizer I made a while back. My son at the time had a jungle themed bedroom. I would buy all kinds of material that had jungle animals on or animal prints. I saw this fabric in a store and thought it would be great in his room. I bought two metres and took it home to decide how I would utilise this. Then I came up with the idea of storage pockets, as the material already looked like pockets because of the square theme.  Below is a mini tutorial showing how I made this organizer.

1) Cut the fabric into a rectangle shape, can depend on the size of your door. Hem all sides.
2) Using remainder of fabric, cut out pockets (I matched the pockets to the animal design on square - By this, I mean, cutting out a large square with the elephant on and then placing this pocket over the elephant on the main piece of fabric.)
3) Iron/hem the pockets.
4) Sew the pockets onto the main part of fabric.
5) Cut and hem 2 loops and sew to the top of the organizer.

Once I had my sewn organizer ready, I attached two hooks to the back of the bedroom door so that the loops on the organizer could hook and attach to the door.

This was ideal to put in his toys and books. He no longer has a jungle bedroom, however even though the room has a different theme, this door organizer is still hanging up on the door as it always comes in useful for all the clutter. Fortunately, the door is kept open with the organizer against the wall so nobody really sees this, unless they go in the room and close the door behind them! This project did not take very long to do, I would say a couple of hours, if you are a quick worker then maybe quicker. The time consuming part was the ironing of the pocket hems and pinning them onto the main fabric! The sewing part was pretty quick.

A door organiser can be very useful and can also be a way to use up some of your different fabrics. You could have all the pockets in different fabrics and sizes and make it very individual.

This week I am linking this post with the following link parties / blog hops:

TipMeTuesdayButton Katie's Nesting Spot      homework   Beneath the Rowan TreePassionately Artistic Confessions Of A Stay At Home MommyStrictly Homemade TuesdayRhinestone Beagle


  1. What a great way to stay organized! Thanks for stopping by my blog...following you back!

  2. Thanks for the follow! I am happy to be following you back and hopefully learn some new things!

    Have a great day :)

  3. Great craft project! Those pocket organizers will hold lots of toys and odds/ends that kids accumulate :) I have a similar one that was purchased as a shoe holder, that I now use for napkins, toothpicks, all kinds of entertaining items I keep tucked in a closet.

  4. What a great idea!

    Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.
    Have a nice day!

  5. Great idea!!! Thanks for sharing! I am visiting from Not JUST A Housewife and I am a new follower!! I hope you have a great week and that I see you around soon!

  6. Great idea for all those little toys and kiddie things! Thanks for stopping by to see a fellow sewer! Have a great day!

  7. I love this, and I bet your kids love the jungle print! Great job, mama!


  8. Adorable! Thank you for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  9. Gorgeous fabric! I'm a big fan of hanging pockets!!

    Thanks for linking to the Creating Success Worldwide blog hop!! Hope you'll come back again next week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  10. This is fantastic!! I LOVE this idea. I wish I was better at sewing because i'd love to take a crack at it. Following you, keep up the awesome work!

  11. Thanks for stopping by Spigot Blog =)

  12. How fun! So convenient too. I am into anything that would save space. Come join the conversations every Thursday Post your questions on Thursday Two Questions Meme

  13. Your blog is just too awesome and I have a special gift to you...come and check it out at

  14. Hi, Karima! You've got so much creativity and I'm admiring them all. Can you please share your creative posts at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :).

  15. Thank you for linking up at The Crafty Blog Stalker. I featured you today!

    You can grab the featured button to post on your blog!



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