Saturday, 14 May 2011
Waist Apron Tutorial
Above is a photograph I made as a present for a family member.
This was an upcycled project, as I made this with fabric from a skirt. The whole apron is made from the skirt, I managed to have enough fabric to make the apron straps too. The lady who was given this present loves cats, so I fabric painted a black cat motif onto the apron.
This was a very simple sewing project and didn't take that long. I didn't use a pattern, i just made it the best size from the fabric I had. The front part of the apron was the front part of the skirt which I just unpicked and hemmed. The straps were made from the fabric at the back of the skirt. Then I just attached them to the apron skirt. Very simplistic. I even had some spare fabric remaining, which was used to make headbands!
Aprons can be a great last minute gift for somebody. If you have extra time you can make more detailed aprons, either reversible or with fancy trims! There are numerous tutorials out there to follow. Here is a link to a site that links to many free apron tutorials: tipnut apon patterns
Very cute and great idea!