
Friday, 18 March 2011

10 minute headband

10 minute headband
Above are the photographs of how I made a 10 Minute Headband.  I found a great tutorial on how to make these, and they really are made in less than 10 minutes because I timed myself!  Here is the link to the great tutorial. The bluebirdstudio website also has some other great free tutorials, it is worth a visit to look at her other creations.

The material I used for this headband was the remnants from the denim dress that I made into a bag, which I featured in an earlier post.  Here is a link to that post. the small frill on the bottom of the dress is the material in question. There was just the exact amount of material leftover to make this headband.
I make lots of hairbands, in different styles, but I really do like this option.  You must make sure that you use good elastic hairbands, as some elastic hairbands lose their elastic very quickly.  This is a very easy sewing project, my 8 year old daughter is able to manage this project unaided.

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