
Saturday, 30 December 2017

Painting with Light Sunderland

I have been attending a college course on Photography and being able to do a range of photographic styles.  I took these photos at Seaburn Beach Sunderland. It was such an experience learning how to use my camera in the night time and such a great opportunity to take some photos of the young lady who was using the fire for these photo opportunities.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Sunderland City Of Culture 2021

I recently attended an event that was helping to promote Sunderland as a City of Culture. I managed to get some photographs of the entertainment that was provided at the event. Fireflight by Periplum.

The show was marking the culture of the North East and the past history of Sunderland.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

F Stop Doctor Who Style

If you follow my posts you will know I did a photography course during the summer.  I then decided to start the higher level course photography which started in September this year.  As part of my work I had to show evidence of trying out different F-Stops in my photos.  I thought what better than to add a bit of 'Geek' to it.  I used Doctor Who props that belonged to my young daughter for this piece of work.

The photo below is using F 4.5 as you can see the background is very blurry.

The photo below is using F Stop 9  the background is still blurry but not as much as the previous photo.

The Photo below is using F STop 22  this shows the whole photo is now in focus and not blurred.

I am really enjoying the course and hope to learn more about the possibilities I have with my canon camera.  I have also started attending a local photography club to hopefully learn even more.

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Face Painting Lion King Theme

I recently worked on a face painting job where they wanted a Lion King Theme. They wanted the children to have animal face paint designs.  The children chose a variety of animal designs.  I tested the designs on my daughter as unfortunately I couldn't take photos of all of the children with their designs.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Sara Heraoua Photography

My eldest daughter Sara has recently set up a Facebook Page showcasing her photography work.  She has been doing photography for many years and had been studying Photography at College this past year learning a lot more.  I thought I would give her a shout out on my page. I am so proud of her achievements, she is doing so well and really enjoying her art course at college.  Here is her page:

Monday, 31 July 2017

Photography Flowers

I recently went on a photography course at college.  I really enjoyed learning how to actually use my camera properly.  I have had my canon camera for a couple of years but didn't know what all the buttons and options were on it.  I am hoping to getmore use out of my camera now.  I have attached some of the photos I took in the studio of a Lily flower and also a photograph I took of a purple flower in a local park.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Rice Heat Cold Packs Tutorial

I have made rice heat packs many times over the years, I always have a few kept in the freezer at home as they get used often by myself.  I suffer from headaches and I find a soothing cold pack against my head really helps.  They are also good heated in the microwave as a heat pack for stomach cramps.

The skull design ones are some I have recently made, I made these smaller in a square shape instead of rectangles.  It doesn't really matter what the shape is as long as they do there job.

These are very simple to make, just 2 pieces of cotton cloth, place together pattern side touching each other, sew around all 4 sides, leaving a small gap on one side.  Turn the fabric the right way around, then fill 3/5 full of rice and then secure the hole by sewing it closed.  They are ready to be used, either by placing in the freezer or heating in the microwave.  Here is a link to 'Tipnut'  a really good tutorial:

Below are some I made and posted about 6 years ago.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Acrylic Mosque Painting

I recently made this Mosque Painting, using the techniques i used on a previous painting of Penshaw Monument, but instead of the monument on the hill, I painted a mosque instead.  The first painting is below.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Guest Post - Amuslimmama 5 Ramadan Crafts for Older Kids

Guest Post from

Ramadan is approaching near and in order to welcome it, some are preparing and wrapping rolls while others are perfecting their prayers, I sat down to do my research and allowed my creative juices to flow so that I could come up with fun crafts for the kids. Specially the ones who have recently started fasting or will be fasting this year of the next. i.e. Ages 6/7 and above.

No wonder Ramadan is the month of Ibadah and to work on our spiritual dimension, but as mothers our duty to our kids is also to teach them about Ramadan and engage them in fun activities to develop their interest in fasting.

And the best way a kid can learn/enjoy anything is by 'doing' something about it. Living in west I noticed that even months before the start of December, kids are inundated by all the activities and shows and events relating to Christmas, I feel there is a stark lack of the same when it comes to Ramadan.

We want our kids to be excited about Ramadan, we have to make it fun for them, we have to device fun ways to inculcate Islamic concepts in them, therefore I had to come up with something. And I did.

There are 5 fun Ramadan crafts older kids will love to do:

1) Calligraphy wall art

This is a very simple project, you trace/print the calligraphy picture and color it with sharpie. Kids of 5 years and above should be able to do it with parental help.

2) Masjid Sun catcher using Beads

This project is good for 7 years and above, because it is a little trickier and require parental supervision while using the oven. But again even younger kids can make their own random patterns (in a cupcake tray) and bake it to reveal awesome patterns of a sun catcher.

3) Masjid Puffy Paint

This had been such a fun craft and my toddlers loved helping me with it. With help of a parent kids
above 3 years can do this craft. Younger kids can still get to mix the batter which is the favorite part of my 2yo.

4) Masjid Puffy Paint using Shaving Cream

Again, both my toddler loved mixing and playing with the shaving cream and they get to paint it a bit

too. With parental supervision 3yo and above and do this craft as well.

5) Lantern Shrinky Dink

This craft is for older kids, with Parental supervision 5yo and above should be able to trace and color the pattern and might be able to cut it as well. and the Parent will get to help and bake.

I have been so obsessed with crafting that I undertook a 15 day craft challenge here. And I am hoping to add more crafts there as well.

Hopefully they will inspire you enough to gather your supplies and give it a shot.

I am a Muslim by birth and choice, an Accountant by way of study, an Artist at heart, a house wife by profession and a blogger mom to two toddlers.

I blog about my burqa clad brainy adventures and misadventures at